…that much closer to achieving a Farm Bill this year that will help specialty crop agriculture stay strong and competitive. The investments these bills make will allow American farmers to…
Costa Supports Advancing the Farm Bill, Calls for House Action
…House floor. Rural America cannot afford inaction. We owe them a vote.” The Farm Bill that cleared the House Agriculture Committee contained many victories for Valley farmers, livestock producers, and…
AFBF Statement on House Farm Bill
…supported by all types of farmers and ranchers in all regions. Among the balanced risk management strategy are options based both on crop prices and revenue levels. Both committees also…
Opening Statement of Chair. Frank D. Lucas Committee on Agriculture To Consider the 2013 Farm Bill
…We eliminate direct payments, which were paid to farmers regardless of market conditions and many times to farmers who were no longer farming. The FARRM Act reflects a belief in…
Ruling Against Indiana Farmer
…Court, which ruled against the farmer earlier this week. When using herbicide-resistant seeds from Monsanto, farmers sign a contract which states that they can not save seeds from the crop….
Senate Committee Approves Farm Bill
…our firm position that the farm bill be bipartisan in nature, reform-minded in structure and crafted around a broad, flexible, crop insurance-based program that provides our farmers certainty and extends…
Nation’s Cotton Planting Down
Judging from farmers’ planting intentions, the nation’s cotton crop this season will be a lot smaller than this past season. Gary Crawford reports. Click to open or download audio report….
More Farmers Markets to Accept EBT
Families on food assistance may soon be able to use their EBT cards at more farmers markets, thanks to grants from the USDA. Susan Carter reports. Click to open or…
USDA Payments to Resume
Farmers who saw some of their farm program payments stopped back in March should be getting those payments again very soon. Gary Crawford has more. Click to open or download…
Grants to Help Fund Dairy Research
…at is a variety of things to improve efficiencies on the farm and other research methods that will bring value to dairy farmers,” said Tom Gallagher, CEO of Dairy Management…
Blue Diamond a Success In Exporting
The California almond farmers’ cooperative Blue Diamond has shown how growing export markets can greatly expand business. Rod Bain has more. Click to open or download audio report….
Vulcan Receives Reduced Signal Word
…throughout the U.S. supports the distributors, retailers, crop consultants and agronomists who are part of the supply chain that farmers and farm managers rely on for localized expertise. MANA is…
Agreement in CFBF Lawsuit against Caltrans
…wetland function. And, Caltrans also agrees to meet with farmers and ranchers adjacent to the mitigation lands to discuss concerns about how mitigation requirements may impact their ability to continue…
Growers Tell Lawmakers about Labor Shortages
…at House Ag Subcommittee hearing in Washington D.C. this week, fruit and vegetable farmers drove home just how dire the situation can be, when ag labor is in short supply….