Groups Mobilize Aid in the Wake of Big Wildfires

Taylor HillmanCattle, Weather

A long, complicated recovery faces farmers, ranchers and other rural residents who suffered losses in damaging late-summer wildfires that scorched large swaths of land. County Farm Bureaus and other organizations…

Sage Grouse Stays off Endangered Species List

Taylor HillmanEnvironment

…of open space. Wildfire and development are the primary threats to the sage grouse and their habitat, yet this Administration is systematically wiping out multiple-use and ranching through regulatory overreach….

The Western View: Wildfires

Taylor HillmanEnvironment, Features, Western View

Stop extreme environmentalism to stop extreme wildfires! The Western View: Wildfires We are seeing the dark side of the environmental movement. Thanks in part to the policies enacted in the…

Wildfires Underscore Need for Readiness

Taylor HillmanEnvironment, Weather

…is not too late to prepare, fire experts said. Information on preparing for the possibility of wildfire may be found at “We’re getting ready. We have resources—we’ll need more—but…

An Alarming Rate of Wildfires and Costs

Taylor HillmanEnvironment

For the first time in its history, more than half of the U.S. Forest Service budget will go towards wildfire suppression efforts. An Alarming Rate of Wildfires and Costs…