The FY18 Agriculture Appropriations bill approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee includes a number of key provisions from the industry’s cottonseed proposal to help provide economic relief to cotton producers …
Development of Technologies Vital for Specialty Crops
The House Agriculture Committee heard testimony from California growers on the significance of technology and innovation in the production of specialty crops. Paul Wenger, President of the California Farm Bureau …
Humiston Stressed Value, Infrastructure to House Ag
Glenda Humiston, Vice President of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, recently spoke before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture. The purpose was to ensure the committee understands the …
Farm Bill Number Crunching
It looks like lawmakers will have $130 billion less to write the upcoming farm bill than they did for the past one. The Congressional Budget Office made that announcement when …
WOTUS Repeal Officially Underway
As expected, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers have formally proposed a rule to overturn the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and officially reinstate …
Water Rights Protection Act Offers Relief from Federal Water Extortion
The Water Rights Protection Act, introduced in the House, could bring U.S. ranchers much-needed relief from ongoing efforts by the federal government to extort privately held water rights from law-abiding …
New Protections For Immigrant Workers on Horizon
A California legislative committee recently amended a proposed bill that will define the individual rights of immigrant workers while on the job. The Immigration Worker Protection Act (AB 450) would …
ICFA Lobby for Practical Cannabis Growing Guidelines
Members of the International Cannabis Farmers Association (ICFA) met with lawmakers and regulators in Sacramento to lobby on behalf of sun-grown cannabis farmers. The visit comes at a crucial …
Panetta Establishes Congressional Agriculture Research Caucus
Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-20) and Congressman Rodney Davis (R-IL-13) have joined together to establish the bipartisan Congressional Agriculture Research Caucus. The Caucus is dedicated to topics related to agriculture research, …
USDA Political Appointment Nominees Expected Soon
Nominees for The Department of Agriculture’s political post within the agency are expected within a month or so. Sources close to the Secretary have allegedly told Politico that Perdue has …
White House Budget Proposal Cuts Ag Spending $46 Billion
A Reuters report says President Trump’s budget proposal contains $46.54 billion in cuts to government funding in the Ag sector, with those cuts spread out over ten years. The biggest …
NMPF Facilitates NCIMS Passage of Proposals to Enhance Safety of Dairy Foods
The National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) helped secure several positive developments for dairy farmers and their cooperatives at the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) this week, as multiple …
Roberts Suggests no New Farm Bill Funding
Leadership of the Senate Agriculture Committee indicated there would be no additional money to spend in the next farm bill while touting the cost savings from the most recent farm …
Changes Needed in Farm Bill Safety Net Outlined at Senate Hearing
Dairy farmers in Michigan and across the nation need federal lawmakers to revise the safety net created in the 2014 Farm Bill to provide them adequate risk management protection, according …