Given a tight labor market, particularly in rural areas, the loss of foreign-born workers would lead to a drop in agricultural jobs, according to a study commissioned by the National …
Study: Trump Tariffs to Cost an Estimated 24,000 Agriculture Jobs
A study by the Trade Partnership estimates that the Trump administration’s steel and aluminum tariffs will cost 495,000 jobs in the United States. That figure is up from a previous …
CFBF: Requiring Workers Return to Home Country Not an Option
The California Farm Bureau Federation took two employers and their employees to Washington D.C. to express to congressional leaders that the current immigration reform being discussed isn’t going to work …
Western Growers Also Opposes Immigration Bill
Legislation that would worsen the worker shortage crisis for farmers throughout the country has received unanimous opposition from the board of directors of Western Growers, whose members supply more than …
Changes Made to H-2C Immigration Bill
A bill proposed by Virginia Republican Representative Bob Goodlatte would scrap the current H-2A program which is partly controlled by the U.S. Labor Department. It would institute an H-2C program …
Agri View: Issues Impact on Agriculture
Everett Griner talks about issues that are taking place in Washington D.C. and its impact on agriculture in today’s Agri View. Well, we are well into 2018 now. And, things …
CFBF Seeks Alternatives to AG Act
As the U.S. House of Representatives continues discussion on proposed immigration legislation, the California Farm Bureau Federation (CFBF) says it cannot support a part of the bill that addresses agricultural …
Farm Bureau Statement on AG Act Workforce Legislation
The American Farm Bureau Federation is calling on all members of Congress to support House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte in his goal of including the AG Act in the …
Immigration Debate in Congress Still Struggling
The Senate’s immigration debate ended on Thursday with no deal. Neither a bipartisan plan nor President Trump’s proposal had the required number of votes to pass. Every proposal considered couldn’t …
Analyst to Dairy: Speak Up Now on Immigration
CNN political analyst and Republican strategist Ann Navarro told dairy farmers it’s time to make sure lawmakers “hear your voice” on immigration. Speaking to dairy farmers at the annual Dairy …
Ag Labor Fix Tied to DACA Bill in Congress
A complete overhaul of the American agricultural guest worker program is a major part of a House of Representatives’ plan to fix the immigration status of young people involved in …
Agri View: Migrant Labor Program Changes Dragging
Everett Griner takes a look at the H-2A Program, explains what it is, and why it is important to agriculture in today’s Agri View. Officially it is known as the …
Farm Bureau’s Duvall Praises ‘Fresh Air’ in D.C.
Calls for Better Immigration, Trade, Farm Bill American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall called on farmers and ranchers to redouble their efforts to advocate for agriculture, even as the …
DuPont Pioneer Confirms Iowa Layoffs
DuPont Pioneer officials earlier this week confirmed the company has laid off “an undisclosed number of workers” in Iowa. A spokesperson for the company said the layoffs are an effort …